

Make a one-time donation

You’ll be issued a tax receipt instantly by email from Paypal. Your donation will be applied to our general fund. Hillside receives 100% of your donation (no fees are deducted)!  Donate now

Make a recurring or directed donation

A charitable giving tax receipt will be issued by February of the following year.

Donation Amount:
$ General Fund
$ Building Fund
$ Benevolent Fund
$ Other: (approved by elders)
$0.00 Total

(if designating donation to building/benevolent/other funds, otherwise use this page.)

Donate Via E-Transfer

You are now able to use Interac E-Transfers to give to Hillside directly from your bank account. To donate via e-transfer:

  • Log into your online or mobile banking app, find the e-transfer option
  • Choose or add Hillside London and the email address
  • Enter the amount and click send 

Donations via e-transfer will be designated to the general fund. If you wish to specify a different fund please email after your e-transfer to specify a designation.

Tithing & Generosity

There is an old Hebrew tradition of setting aside 10% of all income and harvest and it being collected for use of the priests, poor and famine times. In more recent times this tradition has been repurposed and called tithing where individuals set aside 10% of a pay cheque and give it to their local church. At Hillside we tend to put our focus on generosity because we acknowledge that all of our resources are God’s and should be used for his kingdom.

We believe that tithing is an excellent Christian tradition and practice that we encourage all Christians to participate in. However, under-girding any practice of tithing should be an honest longing to be generous with the resources we have. For some that might mean shaving off 5% and giving it to Hillside, for others it might mean putting 20% in the hands of a family who needs it and still for others it might mean supporting projects that further God’s kingdom locally or elsewhere.

We aim to be a people who are full of generosity and that are constantly looking for opportunities to give. By making generosity a practice, we seek ways to improve and increase our capacity for giving. You can read more about this practice here.