Free Volunteer Tax Clinic and Filing

Free Volunteer Tax Clinic and Filing

Along with the CRA there will be a free tax clinic where you can show up and have your tax return done for you. It does not cost anything and volunteers can help you file your taxes for 2024, and previous years going back to 2015.

The clinic will run from March 5th to May 1st, 2025 at the following locations in London:

If the above times and locations don’t work for you, the CRA has a list of other tax clinics in the city.

Eligibility Criteria
You are eligible if have a simple tax situation and income below the limits for your family size in the following table:

 Family size Total family income
 1 person $35,000
 2 people $45,000
 3 people $47,500
 4 people $50,000
 5 people $52,500
 More than 5 people $52,500, plus $2,500 for each additional person

Volunteers cannot do taxes in any of the following circumstances, as our volunteers are not trained on these situations:

  • self-employment income
  • employment expenses (exception: T4A Box 48 – under $1,000)
  • business income and expenses
  • rental income and expenses
  • interest income over $1,000
  • capital gains or losses
  • bankruptcy in the tax year or the year before, if that return has not yet been filed
  • deceased person
  • foreign property (T1135)
  • foreign income (exception: US Social Security benefits)

Full eligibility details

How to Attend
Simply show up when the clinic is open with Government issued photo identification and all your T-slips (issued to you by your employer, school, bank, etc.) and a volunteer will help you on a first come, first served basis. All individuals we are filing for need to be present.

Contact Information
If you have questions or need to contact us please email at or leave a message at 226-503-3520. Please allow two to three business days for a response.